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Maki Emura 

1986年山口県出身。女子美術大学卒業後、広告代理店、デザイン事務所を経て、現在はフリーランスでグラフィックデザイナーやイラストレーターとして活動や展示など行う。/ 「イラストレーターズ通信」会員








・東京都議会芸術文化展 /東京都庁 (2013/10)

・個展 "Maki Emura meets 銀座古書の市 鳥海書房" /銀座松屋 (2016/01/20〜01/25)

・個展 Maki Emura "Art and Music makes Color" /Studio BOON  (2016/02/16〜03/16)

・デザインフェスタ グループ展  斉藤建具店×Maki Emura "グラフィック工務店"/ (2016/05/14〜   


・個展 "直感のバトンタッチ in Roppongi " /カフェフランジパニ (2016/09/11〜10/1)

・グループ展 "ポストカード 展" / Art Space 柳之森 (2019/10/1〜10/31)

・個展 "HEAT BEAT"展 / カフェフランジパニ (2020/02/16〜3/7) 



・個展 "Roome."/ Art Space 柳之森 (2020/11/4〜11/14)

・グループ展 "FACE3" / Gallery子の星(2020/12/9〜12/13)

・「六本木アートナイト2022」アートにエールを!広場 ライブペインティング出演(2022/9/17〜19)




HBギャラリー コンペ「HB WORK Competition Vol.1」二次選考通過 (2020)

アドベンチャーワールド「パンダアートフェスコンテスト2021」入賞(ハッピーパンダ沼賞) (2021)

​・「あなたの推し絵をギフトカードに!giftee × pib コラボキャンペーン」選出 (2022)


Maki Emura
From 1986 year Yamaguchi, Japan. After Women's College of Fine Arts graduation, activity

and exhibition are being performed as a graphic designer and an illustrator by free lance

at present via an advertising agency and a design studio.

illustration concept
"Passing a baton of the intuition"
I decide to draw the motif by which I thought the intuition was

fine for me.
For example something similar to a first impression to hold

for a person of a first meeting.

A person imagines the first impression impressed

by a person of a first meeting unconsciously.
(="love at first sight" may also be same.)
I think the feeling felt then is fresh and is the one

which has no lies obediently.

I'm thinking one of the elements I'd like to do importantly.

I decide to mix special story and title in an illustration and not to scold.

The person who saw imagines the own story respectively, and various,

if you do how to feel, I'm happy.

They're close in daily life, and that it's the existence with which you can carry on a dialog

The moment humor was that Schul expresses prettiness in pop style,

and I made it rather thick, stimulation and, if, it's being drawn aiming at something you can feel and the one which can be fun feeling.

That is" passing a baton of the intuition".




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